Today I found out that I have a CT scan on Friday to find out why my nose is soooo stuffy all the time. So hopefully, fingers crossed, they will see something that they can fix!!
Today I went to the therapist and we talked for a long time, well I talked, she listened and said "oh my goodness!" a lot when i was telling her about the fire. We talked about Will, and my parents, and some other stuff. I didn't really receive any like deep insight, assuming thats what I am supposed to receive. I don't know. So we will see what happens with that, It cost me $30, cause it was like 2 sessions, I am not sure long 1 session is...
And then when i got home, i ate my left overs with Alathea, and we wathced last weeks "Grey's Anatomy" and then she was telling me that she had this weird zit bump thing on her scalp. So she went into the bathroom to see if she could pop it or whatever. So she's in the bathroomtrying to describe to me what it looks/feels like, so I went in there to take a look. I ask her if she needs help, seeing as how i always try and pop Will's zits. (And don't be grossed out! You know you do it too!) Anywyas, I went in there, and grab a peice of tissue, and then get my fingers in there. So you know when you squeeze those little black head things on your nose, and that white snake thing comes out? Well it started doing that and then i kept squeezing and then stuff popped out like crazy at me!! Oh my gosh, Alathea and i started like screaming and trying to wash myself off. Man, it was gross. Needless to say, I don't think it got on me. But it did shoot past me and get on the mirror. it was gross.
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