So, let me just say...there is a lack of pink font in this thing!!! Anyways, Sooooo yesterday I registered for FIDM!!! Oh man, I was a little nervous, I took the train there, which took me about 45 minutes, and then I walked out of the train station at 7th and Hope St. and didn't know where to go! But I saw a lady who looked like she knew where she was going. and i asked her where Grand was. she said it was two blocks that way. She then asked me where i was going to, and I told I was on my way to FIDM, and she said that she was going there as well. So I walked with her, and we talked a little bit, she was one of the professors for footwear design. She was a really nice lady. She told me not to walk under this little alcove thing because the birds hang out in there and people get pooped on. So we walked to a different entrance, that led us through the park a little bit, and I LOVE parks!! So I had to check in with these ladies sitting at a table in front of the elevators, and then they gave me a name tag and sent me to the 5th floor, room 500. I waited in another line, then got another piece of paper, and was then sent to the 4th floor to talk to a financial aid counselor. In the meantime, I waited in a few other places, and talked to the girls around me, they were all very nice, however, none of them were taking my major, so I will probably never see them again. Oh well, i don't even remember their names. we just talked to pass the time, not to make friends.
Eventually I had to go in and see a counselor who signed me up for the classes I needed. So here is my schedule as follows for the first quarter:
Survey of Western Art 1 (8:30-11:15)
Survey of Visual Communications (12pm-2:45)
Math Skills (3pm-5:45)
English Comp (12pm-2:45)
Color and Design (3pm-5:45)
So, Mondays are going to be LLLOOOOOONNNGGG days!! 11 hours total! That's including the train rides to and from school which both are about an hour.
So that's it! I am super excited!!! I will keep you updated!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I register for classes March 27, and then I have an orientation on April 2nd, and then classes start on April 4th!!!! I almost want to scream i am so excited, nervous, happy, scared, everything!!! I want to ask Amanda Pants if she'd like to come to orientation with me. I know how much she loves that school. I really can't wait at all. I get to take the train, and be involved and just learn!
I was looking around on Yahoo! Jobs yesterday, and I looked up "fashion", and there were a lot of places hiring for merchandisers that I would LOVE to work at! like Zara or H&M would be my DREAM!!!!!!!! I am so excited for the opportunities that await me, and the experiences. i want to try and utilize all that FIDM really has to offer me. I want to try and study abroad with them, or just work with amazing people and teachers and everything!
I talked to my admissions adviser, who seriously, is the greatest person I have ever met! When I was applying and I had my interview to get in, she wrote the sweetest recommendation for me, I almost cried. I seriously call like once a week to make sure that everything is ready for me to register. I wasn't sure how the loan thing went cause it's being disbursed in separate installments, so i wasn't sure if that would hold me up or not. But it's not. She said i am totally ready. I don't even know where I got my other loan from. i should probably find that out. I will call her tomorrow and ask. or i will look through my files that I have at home so I can see how much I got from wherever else I got it. i think I got it from college loan xpress or something. I am not sure to be honest. But I think I maybe have out more than I need, which is what I wanted to do so that way I can put the extra into my savings in case something happens; i thought about taking out a loan for like $3000 or $500 to keep for savings. Ya never know what could happen to my car or something like that. And I won't be working as much, so I need to be careful with money. And I thought I was going to have to do like 3 weekdays a week, which is not enough work for me. And the Sena, my adviser, said I could take a class on a Saturday! So I am going to totally try and do that cause if I can only go to school 2 weekdays, than I can work more.
But once I start going there, I think I am going to look for a fashion related part time job. Something that will help me when i graduate. Hopefully I can get like assistant merchandiser at the new H&M in Costa Mesa or at Zara or something. I wish to God that I hadn't skipped out on Urban like I did, I could totally go back there and work as asst. merchandiser. and that would rule. Oh well, we all make mistakes. or maybe even at American Apparel. I just need to make sure I will be making enough money.
If Will doesn't get into school at UCI, then he will move out to Long Beach with me, and hopefully get a really good paying job, so that way when we move in together, he can cover most of the rent and utilities and what not. I mean obviously I will work, but I know that he will understand what I am going through and support me the best he can.
I am just so excited and nervous about this. It is going to be wonderful. I am just going to keep praying so that God will help me out, cause I'm going to need it!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Oh man....So last friday, I had surgery at Long Beach memorial Hospital. I had a tonsilectomy and a septoplasty. What that means is that I had my tonsils taken out and that I had a deviated septum and so they fixed that. But eriously, this has been like the shittiest recovery ever. When I got home to my parents house afterward, I didn't feel that bad. I was able to eat some piza and chill out. They gave me some like liquid tylenol with codine and an antibiotic to take. Saturday, however, things went downhill. I ended up throwing up a bunch of times and hardly eating at all. Will stayed with me every night except last night cause he had 2 finals today. But this week, I pretty much wake up likevery hour caus emy mouth is suuuper dry and it hurts like crazy, or the bloody snot from my nose drips into my throat and i can't breathe cause it's bck there, so I have to spit itup. It is rough....Really Really ROUGH. Tomorrow I have to go back to the doctor to have them take out thse tubes they stitche dinto my nose to hold my septum in place. So I have had bloody and smelly boogers all up in my nose, but luckily I can't really smell them that much. However, my throat is still swollen and my uvula (that thing that hangs down in the back of your throat like a punching bag) is suuuuper swollen and so it like hangs down into my throat and i pretty much gag on it like all the time. So baisically, this has been a rough week. But I did lose like 6 punds cause all I can eat are cinnamon rolls and eggs. I really really miss regular food. But I don't know when my throat is going to stop hurting. Cause it is hard to swallow even water. Oh yes, and I spit into a bucket because the only saliva I am producing is drool like so it sticks to my mouth. So i constanly am sptting out into this old ice cream bucket. And can I tell you how much ice cream I hace!? a freakin lot! My mom bought me rainbow sherbert, Ebony bought me some Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie chocolate ice cream, and will's mom bought me vanilla. Man, and it hurts to eat ice cream. i think it's the sugar. Who knows. I am, however, going to bring it home with me to long beach so that way I can eat it and enjoy it.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

So yesterday...I had surgery. I got my tonsils taken out and i had a deviated septum so they took care of that. However, now i am freakin tore up. I have gauze over my nostrils to catch all of the blood that is leaking out, i have no tonsils but my uvula (that thing hanging down in the back of your throat) is crazy super swollen. I can feel it in my mouth right now, and i can almost swallow it and it makes me gag when i swallow stuff.
I am down in Elsinore for the week so my mom can take care of me. Will is here of course, and my mom's 2 dogs. One of who is like a 2 month old chiuaua and the other is like a year old pomernium mix. They are freakin cute as all hell, but a little rambuxious and sometimes too much to handle.
So far I am doing okay I guess. Sore, obviously, and a little uncmortable. I have to pee like every 20 minutes cause I have been drinking so much water. Interestingly enough, I can eat and drink whatever I want as long as it's comfrotable for me. I am just going to stick with water and soft foods though.
I got about 4-5 hours of sleep last night, but not consecutively. I went to bed around 11ish, and woke up at 12. Again at 1:30. Then at 2, stayed up till 3 watching the rest of little miss sunshine, and then played poker online. Woke up at 5:30 with Will, we went down stairs so I could take some more pain medicine, he had to help walk down the stairs cause my body was so weak. Both my parents woke up and then around 6 my mom made us pancakes and we fell back asleep on the couch with the dogs, which of course was the best sleep I had. It's only been a day and I already over it. Oh well, I just hope it was worth it in the end.
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