I register for classes March 27, and then I have an orientation on April 2nd, and then classes start on April 4th!!!! I almost want to scream i am so excited, nervous, happy, scared, everything!!! I want to ask Amanda Pants if she'd like to come to orientation with me. I know how much she loves that school. I really can't wait at all. I get to take the train, and be involved and just learn!
I was looking around on Yahoo! Jobs yesterday, and I looked up "fashion", and there were a lot of places hiring for merchandisers that I would LOVE to work at! like Zara or H&M would be my DREAM!!!!!!!! I am so excited for the opportunities that await me, and the experiences. i want to try and utilize all that FIDM really has to offer me. I want to try and study abroad with them, or just work with amazing people and teachers and everything!
I talked to my admissions adviser, who seriously, is the greatest person I have ever met! When I was applying and I had my interview to get in, she wrote the sweetest recommendation for me, I almost cried. I seriously call like once a week to make sure that everything is ready for me to register. I wasn't sure how the loan thing went cause it's being disbursed in separate installments, so i wasn't sure if that would hold me up or not. But it's not. She said i am totally ready. I don't even know where I got my other loan from. i should probably find that out. I will call her tomorrow and ask. or i will look through my files that I have at home so I can see how much I got from wherever else I got it. i think I got it from college loan xpress or something. I am not sure to be honest. But I think I maybe have out more than I need, which is what I wanted to do so that way I can put the extra into my savings in case something happens; i thought about taking out a loan for like $3000 or $500 to keep for savings. Ya never know what could happen to my car or something like that. And I won't be working as much, so I need to be careful with money. And I thought I was going to have to do like 3 weekdays a week, which is not enough work for me. And the Sena, my adviser, said I could take a class on a Saturday! So I am going to totally try and do that cause if I can only go to school 2 weekdays, than I can work more.
But once I start going there, I think I am going to look for a fashion related part time job. Something that will help me when i graduate. Hopefully I can get like assistant merchandiser at the new H&M in Costa Mesa or at Zara or something. I wish to God that I hadn't skipped out on Urban like I did, I could totally go back there and work as asst. merchandiser. and that would rule. Oh well, we all make mistakes. or maybe even at American Apparel. I just need to make sure I will be making enough money.
If Will doesn't get into school at UCI, then he will move out to Long Beach with me, and hopefully get a really good paying job, so that way when we move in together, he can cover most of the rent and utilities and what not. I mean obviously I will work, but I know that he will understand what I am going through and support me the best he can.
I am just so excited and nervous about this. It is going to be wonderful. I am just going to keep praying so that God will help me out, cause I'm going to need it!
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