Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
I haven't written anything in a long time! Why didn't anybody tell me? Anyways, school is good. A bit overwhelming. But good I guess. I hate my job. It sucks. I have an interview at Buffalo Exchange today on 2nd st. Wish me luck and lots of money!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
school days, school days, dear old golden rule days...
So...I started school!! Last Wednesday was my first day, i was a little nervous, but it went really well! I have 2 classes on wednesdays, and just after those 2 classes, my bag was over like 30 LBS!!! Now granted, i don't have to bring all of that stuff with me everyday, it was still very heavy. Then...On Monday, I had my first day of those classes, and my Mondays are 9 hours long! I was pooped at the end of the day. And after those 3 classes, my bag had to be at least 40 lbs, not to mention I couldn't even fit all of my stuff inside of it! i had to carry 2 books and a folder in my arms! That was rough...I have a ton of art stuff, in which I need to go to Home Depot and get a tool box for all my paints and stuff. I need to do that after work.
But I think so far I like all of my classes, i don't feel like I can really form an opinion though since it's only been a day. But....It was wonderful. I am really excited, and a bit overwhelmed. BUT EXCITED!!!!
Work, work, work....What to say...
It;s being shitty!!!!! So since I decided to go back to school, they hired a new girl to process all of the invoices and mail...Apprently me working 3 days a week wasn't good enough. So now, i am back sitting at the front desk, and all i get to do is scan stuff from people's files into the computer and then email them. It's fucking retarded. excuse my french.
But honestly...Do they think I have the mental capacity of a freking 5 year old!? A retard could do this. I am damn good at my job, and I was really enjoying it, but now they just keep taking away everything that I liked about it! I really liked doing the onvoices, it kept me busy, and it made me feel like i had a purpose. But now, it's just rediculous. I have applied to a few places, but I haven't gotten anything back yet. I should probably go apply for places in person. I will look on Craig's List right now. And maybe I'll email the lady in the career center and see if I can get an appoinment with her like next week or something.
But basically things are good for the most part. Mine and Will's anniversary is this weekend, and i am sooooooooooooo excited! We are getting a hotel room in San Diego, and then going to the Wild Animal Park. I am really excited. It is going to be soooo freakn romantic. I can't wait. I bought a really pretty dress, and these BEAUTIFUL yellow shoes! Oh man, they are amazing. We are going to go to a nice restaraunt and eat and it's going to be disgustingly romantic. I hope. I hope everything goes according to plan. It will. I called the hotel and made sure our reservation was correct. I don't want to leave anything to chance. I am excited.
But I think so far I like all of my classes, i don't feel like I can really form an opinion though since it's only been a day. But....It was wonderful. I am really excited, and a bit overwhelmed. BUT EXCITED!!!!
Work, work, work....What to say...
It;s being shitty!!!!! So since I decided to go back to school, they hired a new girl to process all of the invoices and mail...Apprently me working 3 days a week wasn't good enough. So now, i am back sitting at the front desk, and all i get to do is scan stuff from people's files into the computer and then email them. It's fucking retarded. excuse my french.
But honestly...Do they think I have the mental capacity of a freking 5 year old!? A retard could do this. I am damn good at my job, and I was really enjoying it, but now they just keep taking away everything that I liked about it! I really liked doing the onvoices, it kept me busy, and it made me feel like i had a purpose. But now, it's just rediculous. I have applied to a few places, but I haven't gotten anything back yet. I should probably go apply for places in person. I will look on Craig's List right now. And maybe I'll email the lady in the career center and see if I can get an appoinment with her like next week or something.
But basically things are good for the most part. Mine and Will's anniversary is this weekend, and i am sooooooooooooo excited! We are getting a hotel room in San Diego, and then going to the Wild Animal Park. I am really excited. It is going to be soooo freakn romantic. I can't wait. I bought a really pretty dress, and these BEAUTIFUL yellow shoes! Oh man, they are amazing. We are going to go to a nice restaraunt and eat and it's going to be disgustingly romantic. I hope. I hope everything goes according to plan. It will. I called the hotel and made sure our reservation was correct. I don't want to leave anything to chance. I am excited.
San Diego,
Wild Animal Park,
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I am officially, in debt $22,650.00!!!!
So, let me just say...there is a lack of pink font in this thing!!! Anyways, Sooooo yesterday I registered for FIDM!!! Oh man, I was a little nervous, I took the train there, which took me about 45 minutes, and then I walked out of the train station at 7th and Hope St. and didn't know where to go! But I saw a lady who looked like she knew where she was going. and i asked her where Grand was. she said it was two blocks that way. She then asked me where i was going to, and I told I was on my way to FIDM, and she said that she was going there as well. So I walked with her, and we talked a little bit, she was one of the professors for footwear design. She was a really nice lady. She told me not to walk under this little alcove thing because the birds hang out in there and people get pooped on. So we walked to a different entrance, that led us through the park a little bit, and I LOVE parks!! So I had to check in with these ladies sitting at a table in front of the elevators, and then they gave me a name tag and sent me to the 5th floor, room 500. I waited in another line, then got another piece of paper, and was then sent to the 4th floor to talk to a financial aid counselor. In the meantime, I waited in a few other places, and talked to the girls around me, they were all very nice, however, none of them were taking my major, so I will probably never see them again. Oh well, i don't even remember their names. we just talked to pass the time, not to make friends.
Eventually I had to go in and see a counselor who signed me up for the classes I needed. So here is my schedule as follows for the first quarter:
Survey of Western Art 1 (8:30-11:15)
Survey of Visual Communications (12pm-2:45)
Math Skills (3pm-5:45)
English Comp (12pm-2:45)
Color and Design (3pm-5:45)
So, Mondays are going to be LLLOOOOOONNNGGG days!! 11 hours total! That's including the train rides to and from school which both are about an hour.
So that's it! I am super excited!!! I will keep you updated!!!
Eventually I had to go in and see a counselor who signed me up for the classes I needed. So here is my schedule as follows for the first quarter:
Survey of Western Art 1 (8:30-11:15)
Survey of Visual Communications (12pm-2:45)
Math Skills (3pm-5:45)
English Comp (12pm-2:45)
Color and Design (3pm-5:45)
So, Mondays are going to be LLLOOOOOONNNGGG days!! 11 hours total! That's including the train rides to and from school which both are about an hour.
So that's it! I am super excited!!! I will keep you updated!!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I register for classes March 27, and then I have an orientation on April 2nd, and then classes start on April 4th!!!! I almost want to scream i am so excited, nervous, happy, scared, everything!!! I want to ask Amanda Pants if she'd like to come to orientation with me. I know how much she loves that school. I really can't wait at all. I get to take the train, and be involved and just learn!
I was looking around on Yahoo! Jobs yesterday, and I looked up "fashion", and there were a lot of places hiring for merchandisers that I would LOVE to work at! like Zara or H&M would be my DREAM!!!!!!!! I am so excited for the opportunities that await me, and the experiences. i want to try and utilize all that FIDM really has to offer me. I want to try and study abroad with them, or just work with amazing people and teachers and everything!
I talked to my admissions adviser, who seriously, is the greatest person I have ever met! When I was applying and I had my interview to get in, she wrote the sweetest recommendation for me, I almost cried. I seriously call like once a week to make sure that everything is ready for me to register. I wasn't sure how the loan thing went cause it's being disbursed in separate installments, so i wasn't sure if that would hold me up or not. But it's not. She said i am totally ready. I don't even know where I got my other loan from. i should probably find that out. I will call her tomorrow and ask. or i will look through my files that I have at home so I can see how much I got from wherever else I got it. i think I got it from college loan xpress or something. I am not sure to be honest. But I think I maybe have out more than I need, which is what I wanted to do so that way I can put the extra into my savings in case something happens; i thought about taking out a loan for like $3000 or $500 to keep for savings. Ya never know what could happen to my car or something like that. And I won't be working as much, so I need to be careful with money. And I thought I was going to have to do like 3 weekdays a week, which is not enough work for me. And the Sena, my adviser, said I could take a class on a Saturday! So I am going to totally try and do that cause if I can only go to school 2 weekdays, than I can work more.
But once I start going there, I think I am going to look for a fashion related part time job. Something that will help me when i graduate. Hopefully I can get like assistant merchandiser at the new H&M in Costa Mesa or at Zara or something. I wish to God that I hadn't skipped out on Urban like I did, I could totally go back there and work as asst. merchandiser. and that would rule. Oh well, we all make mistakes. or maybe even at American Apparel. I just need to make sure I will be making enough money.
If Will doesn't get into school at UCI, then he will move out to Long Beach with me, and hopefully get a really good paying job, so that way when we move in together, he can cover most of the rent and utilities and what not. I mean obviously I will work, but I know that he will understand what I am going through and support me the best he can.
I am just so excited and nervous about this. It is going to be wonderful. I am just going to keep praying so that God will help me out, cause I'm going to need it!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Oh man....So last friday, I had surgery at Long Beach memorial Hospital. I had a tonsilectomy and a septoplasty. What that means is that I had my tonsils taken out and that I had a deviated septum and so they fixed that. But eriously, this has been like the shittiest recovery ever. When I got home to my parents house afterward, I didn't feel that bad. I was able to eat some piza and chill out. They gave me some like liquid tylenol with codine and an antibiotic to take. Saturday, however, things went downhill. I ended up throwing up a bunch of times and hardly eating at all. Will stayed with me every night except last night cause he had 2 finals today. But this week, I pretty much wake up likevery hour caus emy mouth is suuuper dry and it hurts like crazy, or the bloody snot from my nose drips into my throat and i can't breathe cause it's bck there, so I have to spit itup. It is rough....Really Really ROUGH. Tomorrow I have to go back to the doctor to have them take out thse tubes they stitche dinto my nose to hold my septum in place. So I have had bloody and smelly boogers all up in my nose, but luckily I can't really smell them that much. However, my throat is still swollen and my uvula (that thing that hangs down in the back of your throat like a punching bag) is suuuuper swollen and so it like hangs down into my throat and i pretty much gag on it like all the time. So baisically, this has been a rough week. But I did lose like 6 punds cause all I can eat are cinnamon rolls and eggs. I really really miss regular food. But I don't know when my throat is going to stop hurting. Cause it is hard to swallow even water. Oh yes, and I spit into a bucket because the only saliva I am producing is drool like so it sticks to my mouth. So i constanly am sptting out into this old ice cream bucket. And can I tell you how much ice cream I hace!? a freakin lot! My mom bought me rainbow sherbert, Ebony bought me some Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie chocolate ice cream, and will's mom bought me vanilla. Man, and it hurts to eat ice cream. i think it's the sugar. Who knows. I am, however, going to bring it home with me to long beach so that way I can eat it and enjoy it.
Saturday, March 10, 2007

So yesterday...I had surgery. I got my tonsils taken out and i had a deviated septum so they took care of that. However, now i am freakin tore up. I have gauze over my nostrils to catch all of the blood that is leaking out, i have no tonsils but my uvula (that thing hanging down in the back of your throat) is crazy super swollen. I can feel it in my mouth right now, and i can almost swallow it and it makes me gag when i swallow stuff.
I am down in Elsinore for the week so my mom can take care of me. Will is here of course, and my mom's 2 dogs. One of who is like a 2 month old chiuaua and the other is like a year old pomernium mix. They are freakin cute as all hell, but a little rambuxious and sometimes too much to handle.
So far I am doing okay I guess. Sore, obviously, and a little uncmortable. I have to pee like every 20 minutes cause I have been drinking so much water. Interestingly enough, I can eat and drink whatever I want as long as it's comfrotable for me. I am just going to stick with water and soft foods though.
I got about 4-5 hours of sleep last night, but not consecutively. I went to bed around 11ish, and woke up at 12. Again at 1:30. Then at 2, stayed up till 3 watching the rest of little miss sunshine, and then played poker online. Woke up at 5:30 with Will, we went down stairs so I could take some more pain medicine, he had to help walk down the stairs cause my body was so weak. Both my parents woke up and then around 6 my mom made us pancakes and we fell back asleep on the couch with the dogs, which of course was the best sleep I had. It's only been a day and I already over it. Oh well, I just hope it was worth it in the end.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
oh my goodness

Today I found out that I have a CT scan on Friday to find out why my nose is soooo stuffy all the time. So hopefully, fingers crossed, they will see something that they can fix!!
Today I went to the therapist and we talked for a long time, well I talked, she listened and said "oh my goodness!" a lot when i was telling her about the fire. We talked about Will, and my parents, and some other stuff. I didn't really receive any like deep insight, assuming thats what I am supposed to receive. I don't know. So we will see what happens with that, It cost me $30, cause it was like 2 sessions, I am not sure long 1 session is...
And then when i got home, i ate my left overs with Alathea, and we wathced last weeks "Grey's Anatomy" and then she was telling me that she had this weird zit bump thing on her scalp. So she went into the bathroom to see if she could pop it or whatever. So she's in the bathroomtrying to describe to me what it looks/feels like, so I went in there to take a look. I ask her if she needs help, seeing as how i always try and pop Will's zits. (And don't be grossed out! You know you do it too!) Anywyas, I went in there, and grab a peice of tissue, and then get my fingers in there. So you know when you squeeze those little black head things on your nose, and that white snake thing comes out? Well it started doing that and then i kept squeezing and then stuff popped out like crazy at me!! Oh my gosh, Alathea and i started like screaming and trying to wash myself off. Man, it was gross. Needless to say, I don't think it got on me. But it did shoot past me and get on the mirror. it was gross.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
to vegan or not to vegan?

Will says he's thinking about becoming vegan again. That's great if you want to eat wheat grass. Not to say that I am not supportive of his decisions. It's his life, he can do whatever he wants. I don't want to be all selfish. I just have this idea in my head of a family eating together, totally cheesy I know. But I want to be able to cook a meal and have us both enjoy it. I have had vegan food, and I don't like it that much. And I wanted to cook Will dinner one night, but I didn't really like anything that was in the vegetarian cook books that I looked at. So I bought cheese pizza. I like to think I am supportive of his decision in being vegetarian. At least we can enjoy things together like fish, and he doesn't have a hard time ordering things when we do go out to eat. But now he won't be eating anything. Or when friends make dinner, he's just going to sit there and starve? I have never had a problem with people being vegan or vegetarian, I was a vegetarian for over a year. I'm not saying we're going to break up or anything over this, that would be a pretty retarded thing to break up over. Unless he started giving me crap.
I don't know. I feel sad about it though for some reason. Not sad, but sad. Why can't I be the one who cooks dinner every night? I want to be that person in the family. When we have one in like a million years from now. Ugh, I feel like things are going to be more complicated.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
ooga chacka
sooo, last night at 5:30 i was leaving PG (fire place) and this guy came walkign up and he had locked himself out of his apartment. So since he had gotten to me first....I had to go unlock the office, get his keys, walk him to his apartment, and open his door for him. while walking back (he lives on the 3rd floor) by myself, i got super panicky and really scared. i got into the elevator and was pushing the button to the first floor as fast as I could so it would hurry up and get there. I finally got to the first floor, ran outside, into the office (which was dark), pu the keys away, and left as quickly as possible. The whole time this was happening I was freaking out. The hallway, for me, is the scariest place. It is so long, and I was alone. That was my first time in there since the day of the fire. I couldn't get over it. I tried talking to Will, although he tried he couldn't calm me down. I tried going to the gym but I couldn't get into it...I was there for maybe an hour then I just went home, made some chicken and sat on the couch. Alathea went out with Dustin, I just stayed home and watched tv. I called Will and talked to him for about 30 minutes. I ended up crying a whole bunch cause I was so scared.
went to bed about 10:30 and then woke up numerous times throughout the night. I had a dream about fire, which was baisically will's house needed to be evacuated and i was trying to helkp them pack stuff up to leave, and no one was helping me, and Will was getting frustrated with me trying to get him to put his stuff away. His mom, every time she would pull something out would just start reminiscing about it, and his dad was asleep on his chair...It was rough. But I woke up this monring not too tired, and not feeling that bad. We will see what happens next time...
went to bed about 10:30 and then woke up numerous times throughout the night. I had a dream about fire, which was baisically will's house needed to be evacuated and i was trying to helkp them pack stuff up to leave, and no one was helping me, and Will was getting frustrated with me trying to get him to put his stuff away. His mom, every time she would pull something out would just start reminiscing about it, and his dad was asleep on his chair...It was rough. But I woke up this monring not too tired, and not feeling that bad. We will see what happens next time...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
i just pee'd in a trash can

One thing you should know about Sycamore Pines, besides it's sparkling pools and refreshing hot tubs, is that there is no bathroom in the office.What then, should you do if you are faced with the burden of having drank chocolate milk and are working on your second bottle of water? Well I'll tell you, you will have to pee pretty bad.
So sitting here, having to pee so bad it was starting to hurt. I decided that I only had about 30 minutes until I get to go home, and so I thought, "Hmm, what should I do to remedy my situation?" I looked around for a box of tissues, and low and behold I found a roll of paper towels. I am unable to know what brand they were exactly, but that doesn't really matter in this situation. I went to the door, locked it, closed the blinds so as to be alone in my endeavor, pull the trash can behind the desk, unbuttoned my Silence and Noise that I got on sale from Urban Outfitters. Sat down, and let loose.
You would think I should be nervous, but I wasn't. I was relieved. It's interesting peeing and not hearing anything, but only feeling the bag in the trash can get a little tighter because the weight of the urine was so strong. After my good minute and half long pee, which seemed forever, i whipped and then thought, "Man, I feel so much better. But what shall I do to cover the smell that could very well come from my urine being cooped up in this tiny office for the rest of the weekend. I unrolled some more paper towels, put them in the trash can, then reached for the window spray...I sprayed some in there on top of the paper towels, hopefully that will take care of that problem.
If anything I feel better.
Monday, January 22, 2007
i hate rent...

I miss Will, and I miss financial freedom
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Beet
So on Tuesday night, instead of going to Alex's bar, I went to newport with Marcie. We ate at Sharky's for Taco Tuesdays (SO GOOD!) and then we walked over to the Blue Beet because I suppose they had 80's dancing. Now the mmusic was straight up 80's...and the DJ did a pretty good job of mixing, although he was only playing his computer, I am pretty sure I didn't see one change in records...He was like 12 or something. Anyways, it was fun I suppose with the exception of being teeny tiny compared to Marcie and the other 8 million 6 foot tall guys that were there. I forgot how much I don't like guys like that...But it was fun none the less. However I was wearing these beautiful yellow heels which are I think about 3 inches high, maybe even 4. Gezz, my toes were like numb by the end of the night. And what didn't make it better is I can't drink right now, so I felt the full hurtingness of my toes all night. But I looked really good.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I feel gross
First off, this thing is being weird. But I suppose I am not too worried about it. Anyways...So my vagina has been being weird lately not to mention I have something weird on my butt hole.
So yesterday I wasn't feeling well at work and so I went home early. After a much needed nap, i decided that I would call the clinic and see if I could get in to see the gyne for a pap smear. Luckily there was an open appointment that day at 3pm. So I ate lunch and then drove over there, a little nervous since my roommate was just diagnosed with HPV. However, although I had no bumps or anything down there, I was still nervous. So I get there, wait around for a long time, then I am finally called into the room. I had been drinking a lot of water so I would be prepared if they wanted a urine sample. I asked if they needed one, and she asked, "why do you have to go?"And I said,"yeah, I have been drinking a lot of water just in case." So she asked if it burned when I peed and I said yes, so they took a urine sample.
As I was waiting for the nurse I was getting more and more nervous looking at the tools they use for a pap smear. Now, although this was my second one, it is never fun.
The lady was nice though, she was talking to me the whole time. however she did go rather quickly, and it kind hurt. I just had to relax. She said I had a lot of discharge, and that indeed it was a hemorrhoid that was on my butt hole. So she took a sample of the discharge and then accidentally put it in the wrong cup. But, since there was so much discharge, she was able to get some off of the little duck thing they stick inside of you. And let me tell you, I looked at that thing it it had a lot of discharge. So she left to look at it under a microscope, and then came back and told me I had a yeast infection, and a bacterial infection which is caused when feces gets into the vagina. And no it's not from butt sex, that's disgusting.
After the fire, I had really bad diarrhea, and so I was pooping like crazy for that whole week after, I think that's when it might have happened, then again, I am always pooping like crazy.
So they gave me some pills for the bacteria, in which I have to take 2 a day for 7 days. And I can't drink the whole time I am on them. And then like regular yeast infection cream, in which you squeeze it up into this thing that looks like a tampon, and then put that thing in the vag, and then push all the stuff into the vag. Afterward, you are supposed to lay down so it doesn't leak all over you.
After I left I called Will to tell him that everything was OK, it's just normal lady stuff. Thank God!
I was so relieved. And I know he was too. He to of been a little nervous. But everything is OK down there, and I am glad.
So I went to the gym, had an amazing workout, was in the best mood ever when I left, went home, made a great dinner, and watched Grey's anatomy. It was a good night. I then had to take my meds. I took the pill with dinner. The pill is not coated and leaves a horrible and gross taste in you mouth. Then when it came time to like brush my teeth and stuff, I did and then did the yeast infection stuff...It was not fun. After it was over I went and laid back down on the couch, and tried not to move. when I had to get up to go to bed, it was kind of leaking a bit, and i tried to get to bed by scooching on my back. It didn't work. But when I tried to get up i could feeling it coming, so I went to the bathroom thinking I could clean myself up, but to no avail, it was coming out, and coming out fast. SO I just hurried to bed, layed down and read for a bit.
After waking up this morning, I of course had to pee, I thought it was all going to come out then. It didn't. I hopped in the shower, not that much came out. It wasn't until after I had gotten to work, and sat for a while, then got up to go the bathroom, that I felt it on my way back. Now i can't stop thinking about it. And how dirty I feel. Maybe not so much dirty, but definitely freaking disgusting.
So I guess there is a pill for you can take for a yeast infection, and I have a doctors appointment today and I am going to ask him about it. Cause I can't really take this much longer. It's horrible.
So yesterday I wasn't feeling well at work and so I went home early. After a much needed nap, i decided that I would call the clinic and see if I could get in to see the gyne for a pap smear. Luckily there was an open appointment that day at 3pm. So I ate lunch and then drove over there, a little nervous since my roommate was just diagnosed with HPV. However, although I had no bumps or anything down there, I was still nervous. So I get there, wait around for a long time, then I am finally called into the room. I had been drinking a lot of water so I would be prepared if they wanted a urine sample. I asked if they needed one, and she asked, "why do you have to go?"And I said,"yeah, I have been drinking a lot of water just in case." So she asked if it burned when I peed and I said yes, so they took a urine sample.
As I was waiting for the nurse I was getting more and more nervous looking at the tools they use for a pap smear. Now, although this was my second one, it is never fun.
The lady was nice though, she was talking to me the whole time. however she did go rather quickly, and it kind hurt. I just had to relax. She said I had a lot of discharge, and that indeed it was a hemorrhoid that was on my butt hole. So she took a sample of the discharge and then accidentally put it in the wrong cup. But, since there was so much discharge, she was able to get some off of the little duck thing they stick inside of you. And let me tell you, I looked at that thing it it had a lot of discharge. So she left to look at it under a microscope, and then came back and told me I had a yeast infection, and a bacterial infection which is caused when feces gets into the vagina. And no it's not from butt sex, that's disgusting.
After the fire, I had really bad diarrhea, and so I was pooping like crazy for that whole week after, I think that's when it might have happened, then again, I am always pooping like crazy.
So they gave me some pills for the bacteria, in which I have to take 2 a day for 7 days. And I can't drink the whole time I am on them. And then like regular yeast infection cream, in which you squeeze it up into this thing that looks like a tampon, and then put that thing in the vag, and then push all the stuff into the vag. Afterward, you are supposed to lay down so it doesn't leak all over you.
After I left I called Will to tell him that everything was OK, it's just normal lady stuff. Thank God!
I was so relieved. And I know he was too. He to of been a little nervous. But everything is OK down there, and I am glad.
So I went to the gym, had an amazing workout, was in the best mood ever when I left, went home, made a great dinner, and watched Grey's anatomy. It was a good night. I then had to take my meds. I took the pill with dinner. The pill is not coated and leaves a horrible and gross taste in you mouth. Then when it came time to like brush my teeth and stuff, I did and then did the yeast infection stuff...It was not fun. After it was over I went and laid back down on the couch, and tried not to move. when I had to get up to go to bed, it was kind of leaking a bit, and i tried to get to bed by scooching on my back. It didn't work. But when I tried to get up i could feeling it coming, so I went to the bathroom thinking I could clean myself up, but to no avail, it was coming out, and coming out fast. SO I just hurried to bed, layed down and read for a bit.
After waking up this morning, I of course had to pee, I thought it was all going to come out then. It didn't. I hopped in the shower, not that much came out. It wasn't until after I had gotten to work, and sat for a while, then got up to go the bathroom, that I felt it on my way back. Now i can't stop thinking about it. And how dirty I feel. Maybe not so much dirty, but definitely freaking disgusting.
So I guess there is a pill for you can take for a yeast infection, and I have a doctors appointment today and I am going to ask him about it. Cause I can't really take this much longer. It's horrible.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Health insurance. Who can afford that?
So, I was expecting to have a decent paycheck, this week. Enough to cover my rent anyways. And I was sorely mistaken. I have $390.00 in the bank, and my rent is $4220.50....SOOOO I don't know what to do. I was thinking about calling my mom. I know she would give me the money, but I hate asking her for money. But I know she would helkp if I needed it.
So about said health insurance...which I was excited to get, because, helloo, safety first. But it is $35 a week. Which comes out to $140 a month. And for someone like me, thats a lot of freakin money. So, I talked to Michelle, my manager I guess, and she said to write an email to Dan, the owner, and copy her on it, asking if there is something we could do about it. I had no idea it would be this much. It makes me want to cancel it. But I know I should have it, but I just really can't afford that.
So since, like always, my main issue is money, I am feeling down in the dumps. I hate that this always happens. I always spend money, and know that I can't, but I just expected to have gotten paid well. I make $10 an hour. That's $400 a week before taxes. I only got paid $319. That's not enough. Even though, before I got my raise I was makign that much. I guess I shouldn't have fucked up by spending money when I went to San Fran. I wonder how much I have in my savings. Probably nothing.
I am just not happy right now. I was really happy in my job before the fire, and now, I have been reduced to a receptionist. And it sucks.
I did see a girl I used to work at Urban OUtfitters with. And she said that the girl who used to be the merchandiser, who loved me, is now the store manager, so I could probably get my job back. But I don't know if I would be gettting paid the same. And there I'd only be getting paid every other week, where as here it's every week, which is nice. So I don't know what to do. I can't afford to take any "me time" away from work.
I wonder if my feeling this way is a result of the fire. Or something else. I don't know. I know the fact that I didn't have any money is my fault. I didn't have to spend money, but I did/ and now I am obviously suffering for it. And I am going to be fucked. Shit Balls man. Total, if my check doesn't clear, I will have to pay over $500. And then after that, I will have to pay rent with a money order. Which would would probably be better because then I know I won't be spending my rent money. I should try taking $100 out every week, and putting it away for rent. That would be better. And then I will be perfectly and completly aware of how m uch I have to spend.
Yes, I will try that. And I will try to be happy at my job.
So about said health insurance...which I was excited to get, because, helloo, safety first. But it is $35 a week. Which comes out to $140 a month. And for someone like me, thats a lot of freakin money. So, I talked to Michelle, my manager I guess, and she said to write an email to Dan, the owner, and copy her on it, asking if there is something we could do about it. I had no idea it would be this much. It makes me want to cancel it. But I know I should have it, but I just really can't afford that.
So since, like always, my main issue is money, I am feeling down in the dumps. I hate that this always happens. I always spend money, and know that I can't, but I just expected to have gotten paid well. I make $10 an hour. That's $400 a week before taxes. I only got paid $319. That's not enough. Even though, before I got my raise I was makign that much. I guess I shouldn't have fucked up by spending money when I went to San Fran. I wonder how much I have in my savings. Probably nothing.
I am just not happy right now. I was really happy in my job before the fire, and now, I have been reduced to a receptionist. And it sucks.
I did see a girl I used to work at Urban OUtfitters with. And she said that the girl who used to be the merchandiser, who loved me, is now the store manager, so I could probably get my job back. But I don't know if I would be gettting paid the same. And there I'd only be getting paid every other week, where as here it's every week, which is nice. So I don't know what to do. I can't afford to take any "me time" away from work.
I wonder if my feeling this way is a result of the fire. Or something else. I don't know. I know the fact that I didn't have any money is my fault. I didn't have to spend money, but I did/ and now I am obviously suffering for it. And I am going to be fucked. Shit Balls man. Total, if my check doesn't clear, I will have to pay over $500. And then after that, I will have to pay rent with a money order. Which would would probably be better because then I know I won't be spending my rent money. I should try taking $100 out every week, and putting it away for rent. That would be better. And then I will be perfectly and completly aware of how m uch I have to spend.
Yes, I will try that. And I will try to be happy at my job.
Friday, January 5, 2007
locks piss me off
Eww, so a few nights ago I had gone to the gym, and I had found a lock in the locker room that wasn't on anything, but it still had the combination on the back. So I took it because I didn't have a lock and I didn't want to keep leaving my stuff in lockers without a lock. Well my roomate and I share share a lot of stuff, and we even go to the same gym. So when I got home, I told her that I had found a lock and the she could use it too if she needed it. I left it on the table in the livingroom, and she used it Wednesday. Not a problem. So thn yesterday, Thursday, I wanted to go to the gym, Alathea wasn't home, and as I was looking for the lock, I decided to call her and see if she had it. She did. And she wasn't coming home. FUCK. I was soooo annoyed. I decided I was just going to go to the gym anyways. And when I say annoyed, I mean I was pissed. and frustrated.I decided to call Will becuase I wanted to vent to him, and it is his duty to listen becuase he's my boyfriend. SO I called him, and the phone was being retarded, which made me even more frustrated. Then my phone rang and it was Will calling me back. I started to tell him, when my other line rang and it was Joe Zino. The thing about Joe is, he's weird.. Not like weird, but weird. Not like D&D weird. But the uncomfortable silence weird. So I knew why he was calling. He was calling becuase his apartment has no gas, and he needs a place to stay. He was staying at Alayna's which is next door because she was staying at our house. However, she moved yesterday. So Joe needs a place to stay. But I didn't want to be around anyone really. So I told him that I would call him after I got out of the gym. So I got back on the phone with Will and told him what happened and how mad and frustrated I was, and then he wasn't taking my side. Like he was defending her and her taking the lock. And that just got me more upset so I just said, "I don't want to talk right now." and hung I hung up on him. He called me back, and was pissed that I hung up on him. Saying that he didn't appreciate that and that I can't get mad at him for having an opinion. I told him that I just didn't want his opinion on this matter, that I just needed him to be on my side. I ended up getting really upset and crying. Then I calmed down, and got off the phone and went into the gym. I worked out pretty hard to get my mind off of it. But I felt bad for being such a jerk to him. So I called him when I got done and apologized. So things are fine, and I am not mad. But I did tell Joe that I didn't want him to come over cause I just wanted to be alone. Also I didn't really want to hang out with him alone.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Christmas was so good!! I had such a great time! I stayed the night at Will's then had breakfast and did presents with him and his family. His mom is so cute, she got me a stocking and filled it to the top, lacking nothing that her own family had. I got 2 presents from his parents, so sweet. His mom got me a bracelet from Las Vegas, which I don't really wear bracelets, but I only take this one off in the shower. I am into it for some reason. I like the way it looks. Maybe cause since all I do is sit on the comp I can always see it out of the corner of my eye. She also got me some PJ's from Kohls, she's so sweet. Love her.
We then went over to my parent's house and did presents with them. My mom got Will presents. She got him a Star Wars movie, and a Star wars kite. She has never gotten any of my boyfriend's gifts before. She's so sweet. After presents were done there, we all went over to my Aunt Nancy's house. We ate and watched tv, then did presents, played some horse shoes, which neither Kelli, Jay, Will, nor myself knew really how to play, but we did our best. Eventually we went inside to play catchphrase. Let me just say, it was the best thing ever. It was so much fun. There was like 8 of us playing, and we were yelling and man, it was so fun. The next day Will and I went to Target and bought it. That's how good it was.
So concerning presents: I got a bike, new handle bars, and new pedals from Will (best thing ever), then Kelli got me a t-shirts, and a really cool planner. KC got me a book, whic I think I am going to start reading very soon. Mom and dad got me the season six dvds of Sex and the City. Not to mention they had bought me a lap top and nano in like october. Hollie got me some gold ornaments, and some satin PJS, cousin Rachel got me a candle that smells like candy canes, and a really pretty sweater from American Eagle, which I really like a lot, oh, and Heatehr got me the most amazing picture of Pancho Villa. It is glorious.
I think that pretty much sums it up. I hade a good Christmas.
We then went over to my parent's house and did presents with them. My mom got Will presents. She got him a Star Wars movie, and a Star wars kite. She has never gotten any of my boyfriend's gifts before. She's so sweet. After presents were done there, we all went over to my Aunt Nancy's house. We ate and watched tv, then did presents, played some horse shoes, which neither Kelli, Jay, Will, nor myself knew really how to play, but we did our best. Eventually we went inside to play catchphrase. Let me just say, it was the best thing ever. It was so much fun. There was like 8 of us playing, and we were yelling and man, it was so fun. The next day Will and I went to Target and bought it. That's how good it was.
So concerning presents: I got a bike, new handle bars, and new pedals from Will (best thing ever), then Kelli got me a t-shirts, and a really cool planner. KC got me a book, whic I think I am going to start reading very soon. Mom and dad got me the season six dvds of Sex and the City. Not to mention they had bought me a lap top and nano in like october. Hollie got me some gold ornaments, and some satin PJS, cousin Rachel got me a candle that smells like candy canes, and a really pretty sweater from American Eagle, which I really like a lot, oh, and Heatehr got me the most amazing picture of Pancho Villa. It is glorious.
I think that pretty much sums it up. I hade a good Christmas.
since then
So it's been about a month since the fire and I haven't had any breakdowns or anything. I started work again, and so far it has been good. I work in the corporate office, and at first I was sitting at this girl's desk who was on vacation. I was helping contact the tenants from the North side and get them their refund checks back and what not. I felt like I had missed so much being gone, and at fist being at corporate was a little weird, but I am now used to it.
Eventually though, Dan, the owner, decided that he didn't want me working with the tenants as much, he thought it would be too emotional for me or whatever. Which I appreciate his thought, but what else was I supposed to do? Those were my tenants. I care about them, well most of them. And I wanted to help. I still had the chance to help them. But most of my 8 hour days here were filled with staring at the computer and praying for someone to email me cause I was so bored. Normally I would have jo-jacked around the internet, but the desk I was sitting at was right by the bosses offices, so if they were to walk out of the office, they could see my computer screen.
Now, however, I am sitting in the front. Alone. I stare at the door, but at least they can't see my screen before I know they're coming. +
Sitting here though, there was no music. Until, i decided that my ipod headphones were loud enough for me to hear, and quiet enough for it to not be obnoxious. So that's what I have been doing. Nothing really. I am bored, and a little upset that I have been reduced to a secretary. Being a secretary is fine for some people, but not for me. The phone has been ringing so much, it is the most annoying thing ever. And I am now the one is in charge of answering it. It freakin sucks.
That's it really. I will write about new years and Christmas later.
Eventually though, Dan, the owner, decided that he didn't want me working with the tenants as much, he thought it would be too emotional for me or whatever. Which I appreciate his thought, but what else was I supposed to do? Those were my tenants. I care about them, well most of them. And I wanted to help. I still had the chance to help them. But most of my 8 hour days here were filled with staring at the computer and praying for someone to email me cause I was so bored. Normally I would have jo-jacked around the internet, but the desk I was sitting at was right by the bosses offices, so if they were to walk out of the office, they could see my computer screen.
Now, however, I am sitting in the front. Alone. I stare at the door, but at least they can't see my screen before I know they're coming. +
Sitting here though, there was no music. Until, i decided that my ipod headphones were loud enough for me to hear, and quiet enough for it to not be obnoxious. So that's what I have been doing. Nothing really. I am bored, and a little upset that I have been reduced to a secretary. Being a secretary is fine for some people, but not for me. The phone has been ringing so much, it is the most annoying thing ever. And I am now the one is in charge of answering it. It freakin sucks.
That's it really. I will write about new years and Christmas later.
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